Posts tagged ‘Bees.’

October 4, 2012

In case you were wondering, here’s how it went.

I am starting to like small children. Not in creepy,pervy way, but in a I think they’re really neat kind of way.

As I said, my family and friends think I’m too sad so the Mom volunteered me up to work with the Wee Ones at the University run elementary school.

The first thing that happened:

A child came up to me, looked me square in the eye and said, “I like your face.”   Well how can you go wrong with a start like that?  It went really well. I was incredibly tired by the time we got the the afternoon recess, which was, of course, action packed. Over thirty minutes we had one serious bug bite (When oh when will people learn that wasps and bees and biting flies love to live inside swing sets and put an end to that madness?) there was one big battle of the kick balls, which  came to an untimely end when one ball was hurled over the fence and was inadvertently flattened by the ag department’s John Deere, the next trauma occurred when Eric accused the ground of leaping up and scraping his knee.  I didn’t laugh.  I wanted to, though.


And if you were also wondering how the social experiment with my peers went, all I have to say about that is that I don’t want to sully any of my sunshiny thoughts about the Wee Ones with a discussion about how I can’t keep my thoughts from broadcasting across my face like an errant scoreboard.

That will be discussed at another time.