Archive for September, 2012

September 26, 2012

Damocles, Sword, Monkey, Pat

It’s all relative.  Steve’s looking up.  Helena will be impressed.

This may yet bode well

This may yet bode well

September 24, 2012

Are you still looking down?

In a word, yes.

Helena asked me if I still send a lot of time looking down.

Why yes, yes I do.

I know that sounds tragic and sad, but I am still trying to avoid the insane barrage of questions.  (I still have that ridiculous thing, I just try not to mention it too much.)

Speaking of tragic and sad, apparently Mac, Helena and my parents got together and decided that I am on the verge of some kind of Goth makeover so I need to get out more.

To that end, my mother found me a part-time thing at the Kindergarten the University runs.  I am supposed to spend most of the day Thursday there.

And Mac wants me to go out with her and Helena’s brother and some of his friends on Saturday. I swear I’m going to stab someone if this is a set-up.

It should be an interesting week.

September 18, 2012

Holding up the spaghetti

Mac is really loving her new job.  She’s learning all of the neat tricks like rosetting the radishes and garnishing things.  (Okay, I don’t know if that’s the part she’s loving so much, but that’s what I would like the most.) She’s getting a lot out of it. She had to work last night when Helena gave us a quick Skype.  Helena is in her element. She sent says that her life right now is just school and sleep.  She loves it.

Most people would be intimidated by such a competitive environment. Not Helena. She jumped in and is apparently already ruining the curve for everyone.  She said that she’s to busy to be lonely.

I said, “Me too.”

She knows what I mean.

I feel a lot like I’m trying to hold up a handful of cooked spaghetti. No matter how hard you try, one end droops.

I raced to talk to Helena to hold her up, and it made me droop.  I race to keep up with Mac.  and it makes me droop.


September 10, 2012

so far so short

As far as I can tell, there’s not much difference between being a Freshman in college and being a Highly Motivated high school senior. (I didn’t consider myself all that motivated, I was just trying to keep up with Helena.)  I ride to school with my mom most days, and I’ve been spending a lot of time in the library.  I am amazed at how empty it is most of the time.  I know school just started, but really, shouldn’t there by a couple of anxious Grad students roaming around.  So far the only people I’ve seen are try ing to bum change for the parking meter.

Maybe I should be more social, but what do I do? Go hang out in the student center? I tried that and I got hit on the head by a ping pong ball (I wasn’t sitting anywhere near the ping pong table.) Then I wandered over to get a Campus paper and they were so high up on a shelf I practically had to climb like a monkey to get a copy.

I’m not that short, people.

I’m pretty high on the complain cycle.  Mom thinks I’m just bored.


September 6, 2012

Starting the Write Way

It’s been grim around here lately.  The only one of us who actually got a summer boyfriend was Mac, and since that was Helena’s brother who was around all of the time anyway, I don’t think that counts.

Helena is off to Brown.

She says that she’s terrified.  I, for one, think the school should be a little nervous, especially if she’s driving around campus.

Mac still wants to go to culinary school, but even she realizes that she can’t just show up at Le Cordon Bleu and demand that they teach her how to cook.  (Although Helena would, come to think of it.)   Mac has managed to score a part time job with a catering company.  This particular company is known for sending out their staff in costumes for theme parties and I can’t wait to see her dressed as Pirate forcing cheese puffs on unsuspecting guests.

Mac will be taking classes part time at the community college.

Yours truly will be attending classes at the University where my Mom teaches.(I can go there free.) I want to study writing, not sure if this will take on a journalistic bent, or if I’m going to go full blown gonzo into the Composition and Rhetoric area.

The worst part is that I won’t get to see my best friends every day.

Helena said that we will skype, and so far that has worked out. But I know it’s just a matter of time before that dwindles away.  That sounds a bit grim and pessimistic, even for me.  Please, somebody stop me if I start dressing in black and writing wistful poetry about how lonely I am.

I mean it.

But I plan to keep writing and updating  so bear with me World (World with me, Bears?)