Posts tagged ‘senior’

March 23, 2012

I’ve fooled around long enough

and now it’s time to get down to business.  I hate having to get down to business on a gorgeous Friday afternoon, particularly since I spent so many of the gorgeous Spring Break days sick and confined to my house.

Now I feel mostly OK and I have to spend most of my free time working on this Senior Theme.  I can’t call it a paper or a project because it’s a theme.  (There was a heated debate about the title. I have no idea why.  I don’t really care. )

I’m still plugging away at the research.  I have read so many different things about stories and letters and stories about letters,that my mind is a blur.

There is a tome of templates for business letters for all occasions.

My favorite occasion is Process to Replace Laptop Batteries.   I think it should be a national holiday.  In fact, I wonder if I could change my theme topic to

Letters from famous people as they replace their laptop batteries.

I may be going crazy.  It would be hard to tell.

Steve is apprehensive about the state of affairs

February 23, 2012

Some days I just can’t picture it.

I spend a lot of time looking down.  I spend a lot of time with my friends.  It may sound as if I walk around in a slump being guided and prodded through my life by my more dynamic comrades.  It may sound like that, because that’s the absolute truth. 

At my age and at this point in my life, what else am I supposed to be doing? 

It was a huge mistake to say that out loud.  

I swear Helena has ears like a bat (She hears well, they are not tiny and pointy, although she has been wearing her hair down a lot lately.) 

Helena was delighted, nay thrilled, to help me out.   It turns out we have reached the point where we are supposed to working on Habit 3

I was hoping she had forgotten all about that particular madness.  

So here I am putting first things first.  I am supposed to prioritize. Which means stop snarking around and get started on that Senior Theme assignment. 

I don’t know to what end (that’s a direct jab at habit 2, Mr. Covey) 

But I guess I’ll be the force in my own life. (and we’re back to habit 1, your covey-ness) 



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February 4, 2012

Not quite over

Things have calmed down a little bit.

By things I mean me.

Here’s what happened:

Last night was Senior Recognition night at my school. This was mostly for the athletes, but Mac and Helena got it into their collective head that I wasn’t getting out and enjoying out Senior year more, so therefore, I should get up and change out of my comfy pajamas and go out in the public.

They promised me that they would buy me coffee.

I thought that would be enough.

This is the part in the movie where people stand up and scream, “Why doesn’t she just get out of the house?”

There was about an hour and a half of prep time that went into my going somewhere I had just been for an event I didn’t care about.   For some reason, Mac and Helena were both pretty wound up about what I was going to wear, so it was just easier to let them.

Then we went to get coffee.  As we were walking across the parking lot I heard some middle-aged type guy being a cranky pants to his wife, and I didn’t look away fast enough, so he cranked his pants at me. (figuratively)

I muttered under my breath, “You’re going to miss your wife when she’s gone.”

Helena heard me and said, “What kind of a sayer are you? Doom or Sooth?”

That was funny, so we went and got our coffee and chatted and I steeled myself for the horror that is high school athletics.

The game itself wasn’t too bad.  I did have a lot of people look at me like they had never seen me before and I didn’t know that we had so few cheerleaders.  The other team had ten.  We had three. One of the girls is in my English class and she came over and said that she was glad to see people there because the fan had already heard their cheers.

It was interesting.

Then we tried to go home.

I say tried because Mac’s car wouldn’t start.  Helena said that she would just call the auto club to come give us a jump start.  We figured this out because Mac’s long legs and natural tendency to flail made her bump the lights on when we got out earlier so the battery was dead.

(Why doesn’t she just get out of the house?)

It was chilly outside, about 20 degrees cooler and a lot windier than it was before the game. Two hours and a lot of wind later, we gave up on the auto club and when the neighborhood watch guy cruised by us for the fifth time, we flagged him down and tried to jump the car ourselves.

(Why doesn’t she just get out of the house?)

Big mistake. Huge. Lots of sparks, nothing caught on fire but it didn’t work.

Mac’s dad came and got us.

And I’m still not out of the house.

Best part of the game