Posts tagged ‘champeen’

June 5, 2012

It’s true

When I was in the sixth grade, my weirdo science teacher told the class that once you hit the age of twelve, time speeds up.  At the time I thought that was a pretty grim, but interesting thing to say.  Why he chose to say it to a room full of kids who were more interested in the gum drying on the desks than they were in random bits of philosophy, I have no idea.

But I am finding it to be true.  These last several days have flown by in a flurry that is not unlike the killer dance moves that Helena busted to claim her prize as champeen of us all.

Not much has been happening, and I kind of like it that way for awhile.  Mac and Helena have agreed to wait a week or so more for the summer boyfriend hunt.  Right now, my plans are as follows

April 20, 2012


the spot on which I pounded my head as Steve watched calmly

I am starting to fear for Helena’s mental health. She is by far the smartest and most focused out of all of our peer group and she is one slow loading gradebook calculation away from being our Valedictorian.

She is volunteering for every possible extra credit assignment and it is entirely possible that we won’t know until we line up for graduation if she or the other over achiever will be the champeen of the day.

Mac and I are trying to keep her focused on other things so we foolishly agreed to accompany her on a volunteer project.

It invovled reading with children.

Children who do not want to be inside on a gorgeous day.

Children who are only inside on a gorgeous day because their grades and conduct are so terrible that their very presence on the school premises is a huge liability issue.

We heard a very distubing rendition of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It was kind of like having the story told by a tiny Tarantino

we are very close to the end.