Archive for July, 2012

July 25, 2012

Glue rhymes with goo

Now that I know that I am the glue that keeps  our little trio together, I can’t help but feel a little tense.  I feel as if I should be doing something more significant than passing judgement on boys who are wearing really long shorts.

Seriously, at what point do they stop being shorts and just become capri pants?

Anyway, it has been my experience that guys who wear really long shorts are untrustworthy.  Of course, guys in shorts that are too short are inherently creepy.

I think I am far too grouchy for the dating pool.

Other than that, my day was pretty uneventful.  Mac was spending the day with the Boyfriend, and Helena had to deal with school stuff, so I meandered around trying to amuse myself. I had coffee and Steve was mildly amused by the Public.

Steve enjoys whimsy

Steve enjoys whimsy

July 23, 2012

Status Mostly Quo

I have to get it together.  I don’t know what “it” is, exactly, but according to Helena and Mac, I have to figure it out and together it up.  I have also been told that we, (me and Mac and Helena) are moving on to a new stage of our lives.

The idea of that makes me feel balky and uncomfortable.  Helena’s birthday was this weekend.  We had cupcakes and lots of movies.  Much to no one’s surprise, Mac revealed that she and Helena’s brother were dating.  Mac seemed a little disappointed that we didn’t real with horror and that minimal fuss was raised.

Neither Helena nor I have gotten very far with the summer boyfriend thing, unless you count the guy across the street who always seems to be outside that I am.  I don’t count that.

Hel and Mac both said that I am the glue that holds our little group together, and that since we are all going to different colleges,  (I’m still trying not to think about that.) it’s up to me to keep up with our archives. (It’s news to me that we have archives.  I get the point.

I still don’t have to 100 percent like this transition stage.

Steve on a stage

Steve on a stage

July 10, 2012

Slightly amazed

I am a little stunned that they days have flown by, and I haven’t done anything. Not a thing.  It’s like that commercial where they guy is standing still and the world rushes around him.  Except it’s possible at least one of those people was probably a boy in my peer group who might be remotely interested in dating either me or Helena or Mac.  (Although I think Mac might be able to date Helena’s brother.) I don’t know what we’re going to do about the boy thing.  I don’t much care about the boy part.

What I do care about is that this is the last major, weird, undertaking that we will do together. We are going to be off to college in the next six weeks or so.

It makes me want to flurb.