Posts tagged ‘carpet samples’

January 19, 2012

What it be

I am familiar with a lot of people.  I am familiar with a lot of things.

You will notice I have not made any claim to be an expert on any of  the above. That’s because I’m not.

My world is a strange place.

Around the time I got my braces taken off (teeth, not legs, that would be a little too Forrest Gump miraculous)  strange things started to happen.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t anything cool.  And it wasn’t things, it was thing.

The thing is, for the last five years wherever I am, no matter what I am standing in front of, people will begin speaking to me as if I’m an expert on the thing.

That has got to be the stupidest superpower ever.

I know it’s hard to imagine. It’s much harder to understand when you’re in the middle of it everyday.  Fortunately for me, I’m a little on the short side.  (okay, okay in the sense of full disclosure,  I’m a lot on the short side.) If I’m having a good hair day, I’m five feet tall.  This works to my advantage because I am way below most people’s eye level, and when kids ask me my expert opinion, I can fake it.

It’s a lot to take in and I’m trying to get a handle on it before I go to college.  (I shudder to think of my first trip to the school bookstore.)

A blog seems to be as good a place as any to keep track of this.

Comments are welcome. No questions please.

What Ann Saw today: carpet samples.  A little boring, but I was ducking down to avoid a fleet of housewives in the paint department of Home Depot. I kind of like the referring to myself in the third person thing.